I create woven art made of recycled material and material taken directly from nature. The materials have little or no economic value. My work is a response to the modern pressure to consume all that is new by looking to what is already available to us.

It can be fabric from used clothes that were only worn for one season before being discarded. Reeds that grow like weeds in every lake. Plastic from packaging. Small bits of yarn leftover from earlier projects. In all of these otherwise unwanted items, I, as an artist, have the ability to find their inherent value. I reasses and transform.


Current and upcoming projects and exhibitions

2024 Group exhibition with Studio Supersju and Ateljé Grotesk at Konstakademien during Stockholm Craft Week, October 1 - October 5


2013-2016 BA in Textile art, Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm

2011-2012 Textile art, Nyckelviksskolan, Stockholm

2010-2011 Fine art, Norra Konstskolan, Stockholm

2006-2009 Tailoring and pattern construction, Nacka Gymnasium, Stockholm

2018 and 2020 Motivational interview tecnique with Stockholm stadsmission

Commissioned work

2024 Weaving for Squares - workshop at Tranebergsängen, commissioned by Bromma district council

2024 Community art project for seniors in Danderyd municipality together with Kolko dance kollektive

2023 Weaving for Squares - workshop commissioned by Haninge municipality at Haninge entré

2023 Vakna, somna, vandra - artwork for Stockholm City hall (Studio Supersju)

2023 City Sky - Installation of handwoven mats commissioned by På Sergles torg

2023 Weaving for Squares - Workshop commissioned by På Sergels torg and Levande Stockholm

2023 Interior textiles, Kafé Lykke, Stockholm

2022 Ovan, under jord - artwork for The Non Existent Center, Ställbergs gruva (Studio Supersju)

2021 Art commission for Kornellen care home in Örebro municipality (Studio Supersju)

2019 Album cover “Beloved Exile” by Steve Moore

2016 Vinterskörd - artwork for Printz bageri och kafé, Stallarholmen

2015 Childrens workshop space at the exhibition Utopian bodies-fashion looks forward, Liljevalchs, Stockholm

Selected exhibitions


2023 “Weaving for Squares” , Haninge Kulturhus

2023 ”Weaving for Squares”, Sergels Torg

2021 “RYA” Kungstensgatan 27, Stockholm

2021 “SPEKTRUM” Tekniska nämndhuset, Stockholm

2018 “Vinterskörd18” 125 Kvadrat, Stockholm

2017 “Vinterskörd” Kaleido Konsthantverk, Uppsala


2024 Workflow, exhibition currated by Craft Scotland at Konsthantverkscentrum, Stockholm

2024 “Trasryor-textil åter(i)bruk” exhibition at Roslagsmuseet, Norrtälje

2024 “Recession” K18 Gallery, Stockholm

2022 Studio Supersju x Skansen, Stockholm

2022 Studio Supersju at GKF gallery, Visby

2022 “They sewed this, they sewed that” exhibition arranged by På Sergels torg, Stockholm

2022 Affordable Art Fair, group exhibition arranged by NfinityMark, Stockholm

2021 “De fyra årstiderna” HV Gallery, Stockholm

2020 Jubileumsutställning, Fiberspace Gallery, Stockholm

2020 “TAKEAWAY” pop up konstmarknad, Galleri Duerr, Stockholm

2020 “TEXTILT” Örebro konsthall, Örebro

2020 “Vävgruppen Studio Supersju” Västermorrlands muséum, Härnösand

2020 “Butterfingers” Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm

2019 “Malmsten x Studio Supersju” Malmstenbutiken, Stockholm

2019 “Studio Supersjus smeksamma slag” Kaleido Konsthantverk, Uppsala

2019 “Rum för textil konst” utställning under symposium arrangerat av Svenska Vävakademin, Konstfack, Stockholm

2018 “Dödligt material” Gustavsbergs Konsthall

2018 “Fuzzy Things” Designgalleriet, Stockholm

2017 “Väv till salu!” Fiberspace Gallery, Stockholm

2016 “5 Unga” Almgrens sidenväveri och museum, Stockholm

2016 Graduation exhibition, Konstfack


2023 Stockholm municipality art collection

2021 Haninge municipality art collection

2020 Gävle municipality art collection

2020 Örebro municipality art collection

2020 Fiberspace gallery art collection

Grants and awards

2022 1 year working grant from Konstnärsnämnden

2022 Helge Ax:son Johnson stipendium

2022 Estrid Ericsons stipendium

2022 Kulturrådet, project grant (Studio Supersju)

2022 Nämnden för hemslöjdsfrågor, project grant (Studio Supersju)

2020 Design S (Swedish design awards) (Studio Supersju)

2018 Cathrine von Houswolffs stiftelse, grant for design development (Studio Supersju)

2018 Nämnden för hemslöjdsfrågor, project grant (Studio Supersju)

2017 Bo Hammarskjölds stipendium

2017 Helge Ax:son Johnson stipendium

2016 Kaleido konsthantverks grant for young artists

2016 Konstfacks stiftelse, samfond för förtjänta studenter

2016 Jenny Åkerström-Söderströms fond